Welcome To The Exclusive Picker's Insider Circle Community


Got Questions? Want to share a thought? Get your playing reviewed or join the live monthly coaching calls? It's all here! 



Welcome to the community portion of this membership!


This is the perfect place to be if you want to hang out with the other members, get feedback on your playing, join the live coaching call or get any of your questions answered. 


There are a few sections of this community that I'd like to share with you:


Circles- these are discussion topics that you'll see on the left hand side. As of now I only have 3 topics: General Discussion, Picker's Feedback Corner and the Live Coaching Call Questions. Use the General Discussion circle for ALL of our guitar playing questions. I may eventually start separate circles for lots of different guitar topics but for now, use General Discussion for all your questions.


Use the Picker's Feedback Corner to upload videos of your playing and get feedback from me and the other members of this community. Upload the video the same way you would on a Facebook post. 


Use the Live Coaching Call Questions if you can't make the live call but would like a question answered. Feel free to upload a video of your playing if it's a very specific question regarding something that your working on


Meetups: this is where you will see any scheduled calls for the month! This will include the live coaching call which will usually be help on a Thursday night in the middle of the month so be sure to RSVP and bring your questions so I can answer them live! 


Challenges: For now, I only have the "Introduce Yourself" challenge but I'd really love for everyone in the community to do this so I can respond to every single one 


If you have any questions, don't hesitate to reach out to me here in the community or shoot me an email at [email protected].


Enjoy your time in this community!

